Cyclone Dust Collector

Air Pollution Solutions, Rollce Engineering
Air Pollution Solutions, Rollce Engineering
Air Pollution Solutions, Rollce Engineering
Air Pollution Solutions, Rollce Engineering
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Cyclone Dust Collector.jpeg
Cyclone Dust Collector.jpeg
Cyclone Dust Collector.jpeg
Cyclone Dust Collector.jpeg
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Cyclone Dust Collector.jpeg
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Product Overview

The cyclone is a centrifugal separator. In operation, dust-laden air enters the tangential inlet, swirls through several revolutions in the body and cone, deposits its dust load and leaves the collector through the axial cylindrical outlet. Under the influence of centrifugal force, the dust particles tend to concentrate in the thin layer of air next to the cyclone wall. The downward helical motion of the main air stream projects the separated solids out of the unit to a discharge valve and collecting bin. Dust collection efficiency depends on a number of factors, including particle size, particle density, gas temperature and general dimensions of the cyclone.